our stories
MWO ‘Bob” Wise – In Memorian November 30th, 2015
When I first joined the regiment at University Armoury, Staff Sergeant Wise was our Technical QM, responsible for all equipment on charge to the regiment other than clothing, one of which was a Ram Tank.
It was part of the “TQs” supposed duty to run the tank’s engine on our admin night – Fridays. He would dutifully start the tank, back it out of the hangar onto Armoury Street and proceed to perform the necessary inspections to ensure the tank was in operational condition.
There was a ‘small’ problem. The exhaust focused up right into the Sgts’ Mess of the 48th Highlanders, who were not really amused. Bob got away with it, pleading an operational imperative.
By the time we moved north to the ‘original’ Denison Armoury, Bob was promoted Master Warrant Officer and became the Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant – “RQ” in language of the day. By the way, we lost the tank long before the move to Denison, to the delight of the 48th.
As the years passed, Bob was diligent in his duties, refusing to destroy the symmetry of his shelves by given anything out. He did, to some grumbling, however. We passed every audit imposed upon us by the-then Deputy Minister’s Auditors and subsequent audits by higher headquarters.
In addition to being one of the regiment’s characters, he actively supported the Cavalry Squadron as a rider. As a matter of fact, his wife, Norma was one of our competent instructors.
As for all things military, unfortunately, the RQ reached CRA during my tenure. With great sadness he accompanied me on my weekly inspection of regimental parade, and we marched the regiment passed him, with him taking the salute. Not many dry eyes.
I always enjoyed his company, his expertise and his dedication to our regiment.
RIP “RQ”, as he was always the RQ, even in retirement.
John Burns, LCol (Ret’d)