In Memory
Antrobus, William (Bill) (20 Jun 14)
Age 86
I was wondering if you would run an announcement in regards to the passing of William (Bill) Antrobus. Bill passed away 20 Jun 2014 in Qualicum Beach Vancouver Island at the age of 86.
Most of the old timers will remember Bill as the Men’s Mess Steward.
I first met Bill at Dennison Armoury when I was in the GGHG cadets in the mid 60’s. He was the first person to officially pour me a legal alcoholic beverage when I turned of age. His daughter Laura and I married in 1975, and are still together.
Bill was a member of the Service Battalion. He worked for the City of Toronto until he retired in 1986 and later moved to British Columbia.
I have included a picture we found while going through his effects. The person on the far left is Bill’s son and the guy in the middle’s name escapes me at this time. Although I think the size of his tie has come back into fashion a few times.
Sgt (Ret’d) Tom Gallant